3 reasons why the Jazz should give Isaiah Thomas another (sort of) chance

Thomas wants to continue his NBA career.
Philadelphia 76ers v Phoenix Suns
Philadelphia 76ers v Phoenix Suns / Chris Coduto/GettyImages

The Utah Jazz gave Isaiah Thomas the chance he needed to prove he could still be in the NBA by signing him to their G-League affiliate, the SLC Stars, and it worked for him. It may not have benefited the Jazz much, but it was a nice story.

Now, Thomas remains a free agent, and in an interview with Cronkite News' Dylan Ackermann, Thomas wants to continue his NBA career, but also knows how hard it's going to be at this point.

“I just enjoy the process, but I know what I’m fighting against,” Thomas told Ackermann.

Thomas continued by adding the challenges that lay ahead of him and how much longer he would like to play.

“I understand it, but I’ve had that same fight my whole life. This is just normal to me. It’s just another stage I have to get by,” Thomas said. “I really want to just play two or three more years and then focus on my kids. That’s the ultimate goal, and we’re just going to keep fighting until the end.”

Thomas has remain unsigned throughout the 2024 Offseason, which confirms his words. Getting another NBA gig, and not just because he's undersized for an NBA player, but because he's 35.

He's made it clear that he wants to stay in the show. The Jazz have already filled out their roster, but If push came to shove, they should give Thomas another flyer with their G-League team.

Even if he's not the MVP candidate he once was, there would be plenty to gain from bringing him back to the SLC Stars.

1. It gives the Jazz good publicity

Thomas' time with the Stars was well-publicized, which doesn't typically happen with G-League games, but because of his reputation, it was a showcase that garnered plenty of attention.

His efforts led to a reunion with the Suns. Who knows if that would have happened if the Jazz had never let him stretch his legs with the Stars?

Since Thomas got what he wanted, and the Jazz got some good press out of it knowing Thomas' connection with Danny Ainge, it's fair to say they would get more of that if they let him play for them again.

It probably wouldn't be Thomas' first choice, but going this route has worked for him before.

2. He would make the Stars more entertaining

As evidenced above, it took Thomas no time to prove that he is a man among boys. Thomas is a draw because of his name, but also because he has proven he is still head and shoulders better than the other players in the G-League.

If he's brought in, it will make the Stars all the more entertaining as a team to see someone dominate on that level. Because of his limitations and his age, it will only get tougher for Thomas to get over that hump of returning to the NBA, but that won't stop him from trying.

That will likely mean Thomas would give it his all in a G-League game, which would make for quite the spectacle knowing how potent he is when he's on his A-game.

3. Because why not?

There is quite literally no downside for the Jazz to give Thomas another G-League flyer. He's not taking up a roster spot for the Jazz, and the Stars don't have much to lose by adding him to the roster.

Even if it ultimately leads to nothing long-term, it's not like it would hurt anything. People like a story about the underdog, and that's what Thomas is. Why not give him a chance to prove he can still play in the big leagues?

However, the bottom line is that Thomas may again try to go directly to NBA teams first before agreeing to return to the G-League. The best part about this is that if returning to the Stars is a backup option, that should be there until Thomas decides he wants to play there again.