The NHL is coming to Utah, what does it mean for the Jazz?

New arena discussions could be back on the table, if the NHL comes to Utah.
Arizona Coyotes v Vancouver Canucks
Arizona Coyotes v Vancouver Canucks | Derek Cain/GettyImages

The rumors are becoming reality. The NHL coming to Salt Lake City is closer than ever.

As previously discussed by our own Chad Porto, the Phoenix Coyotes will be sold to Utah Jazz owner Ryan Smith. They will then move to Utah and play in the Delta Center for the 2024-25 season.

As reported by Emily Kaplan of ESPN, the team notified the players that they would be relocated to Salt Lake City. The NHL has decided against waiting for current Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo after several failed stadium bids in Arizona in the past few years.

So what does that all mean for the Utah Jazz?

It should point the way to a new arena, something that has been discussed before. Per the ESPN article, the NHL reportedly wants hockey-specific upgrades to the Delta Center, if it is to be the Coyotes' arena for the long haul.

Smith, however, hasn't been shy about pushing for a new arena as the Delta Center is over 30 years old at this point, and getting a hockey team needing a more specific facility could help his argument.

Having that in his pocket could give Ryan Smith the push he needs to get a new downtown arena to replace the Delta Center, along with a new entertainment district around it, which has already received favorable support from the state legislature and has the backing of Governor Spencer Cox.

And the timing couldn't be better, as the International Olympic Committee visited Utah this week. They are considering the city and state for the 2034 Winter Olympics, another motivating factor for a new arena push.

So don't be surprised if we get a new downtown arena, and a new entertainment district as Utah gets another professional sports franchise. It's likely to happen, and soon.
