Kris Dunn's suspension will help the Utah Jazz lose and apparently that's a good thing

Kris Dunn's suspension will help the Utah Jazz lose, the oddest goal an NBA team could hope for.
Utah Jazz v Houston Rockets
Utah Jazz v Houston Rockets / Tim Warner/GettyImages

Kris Dunn had one of the weakest interactions of all time that led to a suspension. Against the Houston Rockets, Dunn and Jabari Smith Jr. threw some weak and tepid punches at one another, none of which connected. And while fighting should never be an option during a sporting contest (that isn't a combat sport), if you're going to fight, you might as well make it worth the suspension you're going to get.

Dunn and Smith's fight was as violent as a volley on a tennis court. But with less grunting. The interaction got Dunn suspended for two games, while Smith was suspended for one. For the Rockets, that's going to hurt, as he's been a key piece for the team during their late-season surge toward the playoffs.

For the Jazz, they're going to lose one of their two best defenders with the loss of Dunn. Usually, it's a loss to lose someone this good, but Dunn getting suspended is a move that will actually help the Jazz. Not win games, obviously, but the opposite. Lose. The Jazz are doing one of the most baffling things tolerated in sports; trying to lose. The reason for that is varied.

They're trying to not only reclaim their draft pick that would go to the Oklahoma City Thunder if it falls outside of the Top 10 in the NBA Draft Lottery, but they're also trying to get enough ping pong balls to maybe land in the Top 4 of the Draft Lottery. Losing helps their odds of winning a higher draft pick, and in turn, losing becomes an acceptable thing to strive for.

Not having Dunn for two games will help them in their race to the bottom. Just about seven weeks ago, the Jazz were 26-26, and coming off a two-game winning streak, defeating the Oklahoma City Thunder. Over the next 24 hours, Simone Fontecchio, Kelly Olynyk, and Ochai Agbaji would be traded away. Since then the Jazz are 3-16, and have not won back-to-back games since. This is a team that is clearly sabotaging itself, so it's probably for the best that someone like Dunn, a guy who hustles and plays hard, is out for two games.

The Jazz can't afford quality basketball being played at the moment. Which is truly the saddest thing about the NBA.
