4 takeaways from the Jazz's Summer League performance thus far

After three summer league games, plenty has stood out about the Jazz, both good and bad.
2024 NBA Salt Lake City Summer League - Oklahoma City Thunder v Utah Jazz
2024 NBA Salt Lake City Summer League - Oklahoma City Thunder v Utah Jazz / Chris Gardner/GettyImages
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2. Warts and all, Isaiah Collier & Keyonte George look promising

Hopefully this won't come off like raining on their parade. Isaiah Collier and Keyonte George were hyped as potentially the future of the Jazz's backcourt. Overall, they didn't do anything to kill the hype much, but there were definitely some causes for concern. More from George than Collier.

Collier looked like the steal he was hyped up to be, flashing both his shot creating and his playmaking abilities. If the Jazz embrace the tank, don't be surprised if Collier gets actual minutes running the Jazz's secong unit.

George was a little different. He looked much better overall in the Jazz's third game, but that first one, despite the high-scoring output, wasn't done in the most efficient way possible.

Overall, though they have to iron some kinks out, this was a promising start from those two. With some more experience in Vegas, there's definitely more to be excited about.