#2 Probably last time we see this fun team together
Let’s be real for a second. The Jazz decided last summer to largely keep the team intact and run it back with the same guys. While in hindsight it may have been better had they looked to make some additional changes, at the time it seemed quite exciting. After all, the team had an incredible chemistry which is what they were built on for the upcoming season.
And say what you will about the decision to keep the team together, but there’s no denying that this has been a fun group. Their cohesion, friendship and togetherness has made for an exhilarating squad that isn’t just a good basketball team, but an amazing group of guys that’s easy to cheer for.
From Joe to Ricky to Royce to Jae to Derrick to Rudy to Donovan, this has been one of the more entertaining and memorable rosters in Jazz history. Unfortunately, due to the less than riveting end to which this season came, it’s a near certainty that this group is going to be broken up and potentially in a big way. Ideally, those changes will result in the overall betterment of the team. However, it still will be sad to part ways with whichever Jazz players ultimately go a separate way.
The 2017-18 and 2018-19 Utah Jazz rosters will always be remembered with fondness, but their final hours together – a lopsided gentleman’s sweep at the hands of the Houston Rockets – is a pretty disappointing way for it to all come to an end. In a lot of ways, it may serve as a blemish of sorts for an otherwise well-rounded and highly loved team.
It will be interesting to see what the Jazz do this summer but also somewhat sad to see such a beloved squad altered from the cohesive state it has been in the past two years.