4) They’re (almost) injury free
Next to the departure of Gordon Hayward, Gobert’s ascent to elite status and Mitchell’s meteoric rise, the Jazz’s story hasn’t been informed by anything as much as it has an injury bug that’s been biting ceaselessly for more than three years.
If you subscribe the numbers and formulae employed by Man Games Lost, no team has suffered more as a result of its injuries. According to MGL, the Jazz lost nearly 13 wins due to missing injured players in ’17-18 after losing nine wins the year before. Both numbers were the most in the NBA.
Right now, though, the team is relatively healthy for a change.
The one exception has been point guard Raul Neto, who has battled a hamstring injury since training camp first broke in September. At this point, there’s no telling when he’ll be back on the court, but it’s been all-hands on deck for the boys in blue, green and gold otherwise.
For a team that is banking on continuity and on-court chemistry for an edge, keeping players off the injured list will be key all season long.
There’s still a lot of basketball left to play, but, so far, it’s been pretty smooth sailing in the 801.