Mitchell gets emotional talking about his sister
Following his Dunk Contest victory, Mitchell had one of the most tender moments of the night when he was asked about including his sister in the Dunk Contest. I can’t do his comments justice because of how cool they are and how evident his love and appreciation are for her, so just check out the video and transcript below:
I definitely didn't do this Donovan Mitchell quote justice earlier, but NBA transcription services did. Mitchell got worked up while talking about why he wanted to include his sister, Jordan, in his second dunk: pic.twitter.com/hjhmjF4cDC
— Kyle Goon (@kylegoon) February 18, 2018
Also, while some people on social media were critical of Donovan for having his sister and Kevin Hart squat down for his dunk, it’s pretty cool that he did that as an effort to make his sister more comfortable. He’d dunked over taller people, but having her involved and feeling confident about it was more important to him than skying over her at full height.
After hearing Donovan Mitchell’s sister was scared to come out for that dunk, it’s pretty cool Mitchell had everyone bend over so she would agree to come out. I’m sure he knew people would criticize him for that, but he just wanted his sister a part of that with him.
— Brett Hadley (@bhadley16) February 18, 2018
As you can see in the photo below, he definitely got high enough to clear her standing up straight, but the reasoning behind having her crouch down is pretty cool.
So the jersey was Darrell's — Any guess where the shorts came from? #VerizonDunk #TakeNote pic.twitter.com/UGbNnMPhiw
— Utah Jazz (@utahjazz) February 18, 2018
From high-flyer to awesome big brother, is there any reason to not love Donovan Mitchell?