2) Houston Rockets
Avg: 2.6, Hi: 2, Low: 4, Aston: 2
Welcome to the West: where the rich get richer, but the Warriors are so good that adding a future Hall of Fame point guard may not be enough to catch them. Still, you can’t fault the Houston Rockets’ attempt to do so.
I, for one, am extremely curious to see how this team meshes. James Harden reached new levels as a player last season when Mike D’Antoni made him the quarterback of the team’s free-flowing offense. While cooler heads and winning will probably prevail, I can’t help but wonder what will happen when Chris Paul is taking the ball out of his hands.
On paper, the Rockets have built a super team akin to the Dubs, Cleveland Cavaliers and Boston Celtics. But CP3 is no spring chicken and, as with all clubs of this ilk, there will be an adjustment period.